term 2

designing for the next billion seconds


speculative futures

The second term startet with an introduction about how the semester is about and what is important to note. This semester is going to be different then the one before, we will not have every week a different class, its going to be more about exploration, reflection, instrumentation and application regarding our project. Also think about embodying emergent contexts while working with communities and growing with them. Now it is essential to decide the context and elaborate the project. Everything is important depending what you want to do next.

The first class was led by the designer called “Andres Colmenares” and who is part of “IAM”. We were talking about speculative futures about the life in the next billion seconds so in about 31 years. Future form e is development and innovation, when i think about it I am excited and afraid of the same time. Time for me is a sequence of occurrences and moments and internet is for spreading knowledge all over the world, let people work/think/be together. Also we think about future and that the life is everything. Everything, contains E=Identity, V=Time, E=Problems, R=Scale, Y=Growth, T=Energy, H=Business models, I=Decisions, N=Learning, G=Design. And the different methods designing for: humbleness, responsibility, empathy, solidarity and plurality. We were doing 7 different kind of exersices, which were all about speculative futures but had different subtopics. Exercise 1; what is future?, Exercise 2: What we like the most of the first topics?, Exersise 3: Close your eyes and open your imaginations, What futures do you want to remember one billion seconds from now, 22.04.2053 is earth day, 7g mayors assembly, Exersicse 4: think about you in the next billion seconds, Exercise 5: patterns about fears, desires, priorities, Exercise 6: a journey to the earth day and Exercise 7: breaking news for our group problems decisions.



"We prefer see ourselves living than living!"

"In randomness we trust"

"What if we you use paradoxes to challenge real reality"

"Design more an action, than a thing"

"User-centered design can lead to selfish individualism"

"Teaching humans how to code and mashines how to learn"

"Facebook is not a social network - Facebook monetises our social networks"


In this course I had different kind of learnings. First of all I improved writing good sentences and create presentations and talking directly and specific. Also we were talking in general about future, where we are seeing ourselves, who we are, where we are seeing the world and community, which helped to reflect our live, while imagining speculative futures. It was interesting to the different patterns between us when discussing our stories, while having different kind of backgrounds and experiences and different kind of meanings for the future.


Term 2